Our Programs
PTA Mongolia implements programs to (a) create models of child-friendly Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) facilities in rural schools serving children from nomadic families and soum residents without access or experience to appropriate facilities, (b) empower deaf community groups to help them raise their voice and improve inclusive education by learning to be active citizens through community and adult education program, (c) increase parenting education through learning on positive disciplining, early childhood development and communicating in sign language with deaf children and research on esucation access, quality and accountbility cooperating with other civil society groups.
In 2015-2016, PTA Mongolia built the first child-friendly toilet model at “Ireedui” kindergarten in Zuunmod soum, Tuv province, benefiting over 120 children and their parents, 35 teachers and other staff who live in local ger district. Then in 2018-2019, PTA Mongolia built a model of child-friendly WASH facilities at the local school and dormitory in Bayankhangai soum, Tuv Province. Over 290 boys, girls, teachers and disabled persons now have access to adequate washrooms, dormitory showers, kitchen sinks and an environmentally friendly sewage system. The school children and community received training on how to use and maintain the child-friendly toilets and educate children in health regime. The project is supported by PADEM, an international supporter from Luxemburg and France.
In cooperation with the Capital City Education Department and with support from UNICEF, PTA Mongolia developed a handbook for parents on early childhood development and developmental delay, encouraging parents to support responsive caregiving using distance learning kits and communication notebook, which benefited over 2000 children in Bayanzurkh and Khan-Uul districts of Ulaanbaatar and over 1000 children in Bayankhongor, Gobi-Altai and Zavkhan provinces in 2018 and 2019.
Furthermore, PTA Mongolia focuses on increasing education of deaf children and deaf community. In 2017, through its project “Talking Hands” supported by Canada Fund, PTA Mongolia created 20 videos on learning sign language to develop children at early stage for parents with deaf children. Since 2018, with support from the Consortium for Elections and Political Process Strengthening (CEPPS) under USAID funding, PTA Mongolia has implemented a project to increase voter education among deaf community and advocate for more inclusive policies. PTA Mongolia envisions that the deaf community in Ulaanbaatar and across the 21 provinces of the country will be empowered with skills and knowledge on how to raise their voice to exercise their right to demand inclusive education as well as to actively participate in elections.
PTA Mongolia is a member of “All for Education” National Civil Society Coalition and partners with other civil society groups conducting training on positive disciplining and child protection, and researching and monitoring on education quality.