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Election term glossary in ISL

1. Audit

2. Approval

3. Budget

4. Bribery

5. By-election

6. Campaign

7. Close

8. Collect signatures

9. Commission

10. Committee

11. Company

12. Candidate

13. Count

14. Date

15. Debate

16. Decide

17. Delegate

18. Direct election

19. Discrimination

20. Discuss

21.Election law

22. Election

23. Embassy

24. Equality

25. Expenditure

26. Explain

27. Failed

28. Fair

29. Finance

30. Freedom

31. General election comission (GEC)

32. Goals

33. Government

34. Hold an election

35. Human rights

36. Interview

37. Monetary donation

38. Interfere

39. International

40. Interpreter

41. Invalid ballot paper

42. Investigate

43. Law

44. Meeting

45. Member

46. Months

47. Mongolia

48. Now

49. Non government

50. Organize

51. Open

52. Parliament

53. Plan

54. Politics

55. Possible

56. President

57. Problem

58. Party platform

59. Proposal

60.  Province

61. Publicity

62. Social

63. Question

64. Registration by finger print

65. Resolution

66. Run for elections

67. Solidarity

68. Time

69. Today

70. Tomorrow

71. Transparent

72. Unlawful/Illegal

73. Violation

74. Voting booth

75. Verification

76. Week

77. Year

78. Yesterday

79. Party coalition

80. Opposition party

The glossary was created by deaf community groups of the Parent-Teacher Association of Mongolia under the “Strengthening Women and Youth Engagement in the Electoral and Political Processes in Mongolia” program implemented by theInternational Republican Institute (IRI) and funded by the US Agency for International Development (USAID).

See the glossary from

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The website is created thanks to the Consortium for Elections and Political Process Strengthening (CEPPS).

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